
15 Pins
Yes You Can: Ski the Birkebeiner
Ski the Birkebeiner, the largest cross-country ski race in the U.S. (and one of the toughest!). Use the training plan on Outside Online to get started.
今年はこの子達と頑張っていきます! SALOMON君よろしくね!
コスモス♪綺麗だったなぁー 明日からまた練習頑張ろう( ̄∇ ̄*)
合宿終了! シルバーウィーク頑張ったぜ(  ̄▽ ̄) 明日は休養!
Cross-Country Skiing
article with beginner tips -- be sure to take a lesson first to avoid injury
Nordic skiing on the street with Skike bike-skates
Skikes are designed for a warm-weather cross country skiing workout © Photo Plohe
今日は、自主練でポールランしてきました! 冬に向けてこれから頑張っいきますかd=(^o^)=b
Capri Day Trip - A One-Day Itinerary
Capri Day Trip - What to see in one day Capri!!!! Down to times and everything. Do Blue Grotto first thing in the morning!
Tienda de rollerski y esquí de fondo en España
entrenamiento de habilidad con rollerski
Nordic skiing on the street with Skike bike-skates
Skikes are designed for a warm-weather cross country skiing workout © Photo Plohe