クリスマス製作 保育

14 Pins
an image of children celebrating the new year
【クリスマスクイズ 全30問】簡単・子供向け!おもしろ雑学三択問題を紹介 - クイズ王国
an advertisement with cartoon characters on it for the new year's celebrations in english and japanese
『サンタクロースの1・2・3』 パネルシアター版 いっしょに歌って♪ いっしょに身体も動かそう!
two girls are holding up some paper crafts
【保育】mocaちゃんの『のび~る! クリスマスシアター』【PriPri2021年12月号掲載】
two girls wearing santa hats and holding up their hands in front of an advertisement for christmas
手遊び歌「グーチョキパーでクリスマス」[Nursery Rhymes & Finger Plays]
the instructions on how to drink water in japanese
a hand holding two small red and white dolls in each other's hands with japanese writing on them
two red and white plastic bottles with clown faces on them, one has a thought bubble in it's mouth
four snowmen made out of paper cups
【アプリ投稿】【クリスマスブーツ(0歳児)】 | 保育と遊びのプラットフォーム[ほいくる]
three colorful snow boots with white fur lined up next to each other on a table
紙コップで『クリスマスブーツ飾り』の作り方・簡単可愛い❤︎DIY/tutorial/christmas boots made of paper cups❤︎#694
紙コップで『クリスマスブーツ飾り』の作り方・簡単可愛い❤︎DIY/tutorial/christmas boots made of paper cups❤︎#694 - YouTube