
35 Pins
Root Chakra Healing - How to Heal, Balance, and Open your First Chakra
Effective ways to heal your #rootchakra: http://www.spiritualcoach.com/root-chakra-healing/ #chakrs #aromatherapy #yoga #affirmations #crystals
Chakras on the feet... repinned by http://Reiki-Master-Training.com
Aerial Yoga: Your Cirque Du Soleil Workout!
10 ways to Heal & Balance your chakras - There are many ways one can begin to balance their Sacral Chakra. Here are several useful methods, including aromatherapy, visualisations, affirmations, mudra, yoga poses, nutrition, reflexology color, nature and sound therapy!:
The Chakra Mandalas
Balance your chakras with these FREE chakra mandala downloads. As your muse, I inspire you to CREATE on the canvas of your soul--your life. Art making is the "Artual" art + ritual that connects you to your infinite, creative you.
Magical Chakra Meditation Chants for Solar Plexus Chakra | RAM Seed Mantra Chanting and Music
The Chakras Explained (Infographic)
This explanation of chakras is not only easy to understand, it's beautiful to look at too :)