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Back to Freelancing Avatar
I’m making some minor updates to my personal site and brand. My old avatar is looking a little dated. I made it back in 2012. That feels like a long time ago or is that just me? I wanted something ...
Motorcross helmet build up. Sometimes, I'll hit a topic or product I've never sketched around before. Usually, I can visualize the proportions and knock it out. Other times I can't. When I can't ink on the fly, I lay down a cube and block my elements using the cube as a guide. If I was going to do several different versions of this helmet, I'd use this as my "working underlay" and sketch over it again and again. I'd probably switch over to digital at this point as well to make color blocking ...
Sketches by Scott Tsukamaki at | sketch | Pinterest | Industrial design sketch, Sketches and Design
Sketches by Scott Tsukamaki at
Buick Accessories | Interior & Exterior Buick Accessories
Bionic concept
My Sketchbook (Sketch pile) 2015 - part 3 - Jonny Tran
My Sketchbook (Sketch pile) 2015 - part 3 on Behance
Summer 2011 Sketches 6 - aquatic animal — Minimally Minimal
Summer 2011 Sketches 6 - aquatic animal — Minimally Minimal
Stylization of bionic form - Aleksandra Kroshechkina
Stylization of bionic form by Aleksandra Kroshechkina, via Behance