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Ina Seifart Perlen Short Keyholder in Silver with Pink Thread
100円ちょっとで作れる“オリジナルキーホルダー”にハマってます♡ネップリ画像で簡単にできちゃう♩ - isuta(イスタ) -私の“好き”にウソをつかない。-
KipperTie Strata PL-ND for RED V-RAPTOR Introduced – Bolt-on Lens Mount Now With Built-in ND
The new KipperTie Strata PL-ND is a bolt-on PL to RF lens adapter specifically engineered for the RED V-RAPTOR. It attaches to the front of the camera body via a 4-point mounting system and comes with built-in optical ND filters for up to 6 stops of filtration. It is now available for purchase on CVP for €2,317. Although RED’s flagship model, the V-RAPTOR, is a beast of a camera, the lack of an internal ND filtration system can be a little limiting at times. Last year, Breakthrough Photography c
Ocupații designist într-o primăvară atipică sau cât de fotogenice pot fi tijele de oțel
Ocupații designist într-o primăvară atipică sau cât de fotogenice pot fi tijele de oțel
プロダクトデザインから空間デザインまで手がける吉岡徳仁の作品11選! | Design Magazine