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Photographer snaps amazing 'light pillars' in the sky in northern Ontario | CBC News
Light pillars appear when either natural or artificial light bounces off ice crystals floating close to the ground. In this case, the air was so cold that ice crystals were forming in the air, reflecting the city's street and business lights. Photo by Timothy Joseph Elzinga.
circumhorizontal arcs - this atmospheric phenomenon, otherwise known as a fire rainbow, is created when light from a sun that is at least 58 degrees above the horizon passes through the hexagonal ice crystals that form cirrus clouds which, because of quick cloud formation, have become horizontally aligned. Photo by Andy Cripe.
O teixo, árvore sagrada dos celtas
Estima-se que estes enormes Teixos, localizado no vilarejo de Llangernyw, no País de Gales, tenha idade entre 3 e 4 mil anos. Segundo os botânicos, essas plantas conseguem sobreviver por tanto tempo graças aos novos ramos que vão se fundindo aos mais antigos, fazendo com que as árvores continuem vivas mesmo depois que o tronco principal tenha morrido.
Photographer Captures Light Pillars in the Icy Night Sky
Photographer Timothy Joseph Elzinga was woken up by his 2-year-old at 1:30 a.m. last Friday when he noticed what looked like colorful auroras dancing in th -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspchillhour Resources and Information.
Amazingly beautiful natural phenomenon can be observed when the sun rises high in the sky. The rays of the sun when it passes through high-altitude clouds composed of ice crystals in the form of hexagons. The sunlight is refracted in these crystals in bizarre way, and as a result, we see “fire rainbow”. This phenomenon is not local, it can extend over several hundred square miles
'Fire Rainbows' are neither fire, nor rainbows, but are so called because of their brilliant colors and flame like appearance. Technically they are known as circum-horizontal arcs, optical phenomena due to ice haloes formed by plate-shaped ice crystals in high level cirrus clouds. Image source unknown #Weather #Fire_Rainbow
Hippie Style ♥
Fire rainbows are the rarest of all naturally occurring atmospheric phenomena…