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I am often asked if I use special pens to make the words on my Bible pages look the way they do. While there are special pens and markers to allow you to achieve the same look, I usually don’t use those in my bible. You CAN; I just normally don’t. Below is an example of the lettering I’m talking about. What I am doing in my bible is called hand lettering (or sometimes called faux calligraphy). Hand lettering is different from dip pen calligraphy and brush pen calligraphy. These ARE do...
These Things I Know
There are few things more powerful than the faithful prayers of a righteous mother. — Boyd K. Packer #LDS
Motherhood Is Near To Divinity, Relief Society, Young Womens, Visiting Teaching, LDS Wall Art, Motherhood, Mother's Day Gift , LDS, Mom Sign
Motherhood is near to Divinity, Printable, Download, Wall Art, highest holiest, Mother Quotes, Quotes About Family, Mom, New Mom, LDS, Print
Hello Little Scout || A lifestyle blog by Jamie Sefcik
This saying always makes me cry. I have it hanging on the side of my fridge.
LDS leaders pay tribute to mothers from the pulpit | Deseret News
Sister Julie B. Beck: "The influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent, daily mothering is far more lasting, far more powerful, far more influential than any earthly position or institution invented by man." #lds #quotes
25 quotes from LDS leaders on the reverence of motherhood | Deseret News
Sister Sheri L. Dew | 25 quotes from LDS leaders on the reverence of motherhood | Deseret News
General Conference 2015 FREE Printable Quotes - This was my FAVORITE talk from Elder Holland!