Bonsai 盆栽
Terrariums : 盆栽的な観葉植物 | wagamamaya
Penjing: A Chinese Renaissance
Fig - Ficus retusa - created by Ye Mingxuan from Guangdong Province. This tree, 42-1/4" tall, has been defoliated for an exhibit to show its fine ramification. It is planted in a 41" container...
colection photos Bonsai Indonesia 4
Bonsai maybe one of mine will look like this.... then again, maybe not.... I really need to take a class.
Pomegranate Bonsai, nice trunk girth & taper, yields lovely red- orange hued fruits in an antique Chinese pot
500 Years of Sargent Juniper Bonsai - Imgur
Classic Flowering Bonsai of Japan
Japanese apricot (Latin-Prunus mume: Japanese-Ume). From Classic Bonsai of Japan (Nippon Bonsai Association).
the big terri
amazing bonsai terrarium; I want the center of Willow to look like a giant version of this (conceptually speaking)
Bonsai ~ Amazing!!! Takes so much time & patience to get it to this point. Much respect for the person who made this. We took a class years ago & had six bonsai trees in our house. ❤ Bonsai
Bonsai by Sinajina
小品盆栽 & 豆盆栽 "A small thing" this tree is Mame (literal translation Bean) Bonsai
Chinese persimmon, ( Rouya Gaki ) #bonsai
Clara Let Down Her Hair. ~ Abeliophllum distichum. 미선나무 ~ Magic! ~
Crazy Bonsai Tree
incredible bonsai tree seems blown by the wind ; ) "Crazy Bonsai Tree" photo by LloydVincent 2009-10-16 @Tony Wang 4016714282