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Follow us 👉 @zbrushtuts Male torso study by Niyazi Selimoğlu @nyzslmgl (Character Artist / Digital Sculptor) Artstation:…
Sculpting a Male Torso
Philippe FARAUT / Sculpting a torso - Video YouTube / Impressionnante maîtrise de l'anatomie /
Zygomaticus major: zygomatic bone. Angle of mouth. Elevation of angle of mouth in smiling. Draws laterally in angle of mouth
The 3 Different Kinds Of Tonsils And Their Functions
The 3 Different Kinds Of Tonsils And Their Functions - The tonsils are small, glandular structures that are located at the back of your mouth and nose. These structures are part of the immune system, trapping any bacteria, viruses, or debris that you might breathe in.Tonsils may vary in size based on your individual characteristics. Usually, every person has three sets of tonsils on each side of the throat. Read on here to understand the 3 different kinds of tonsils and their functions
Xerostomia - What is, Definition, Causes, Treatment, Symptoms
Xerostomia is a symptom of unusual mouth dryness. This is usually related to changes in the chemical composition of the saliva