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“ MYTHOLOGY MEME | (1/3) OBJECTS PANDORA’S BOX is an artifact in Greek mythology, taken from the myth of Pandora’s creation in Hesiod’s Works and Days. The “box” was actually a large jar given to...
Every letter and numeral in English is in this diagram. Every English language book you've ever read is right there. *brain explodes*
Love this genius tip for comparing fractions. Great way for kiddos to check their reasoning!
Never knew what Rubitosis was... but now I have it
Never knew what Rubitosis was... but now I have it - Imgur
The Characteristics of a Successful Content Marketer
The Characteristics of a Successful Content Marketer :: :: The Auto-Pilot Pin Scheduler #socialmediamarketing #socialmediaautomation #infographic
Picture memes L5Gx9eNT2 by ChefDoggo_2014: 55 comments - iFunny :)
whether it's this or dress codes, the oppression of women across the board needs to stop, and telling one group of oppressed women not to complain because they could always have it worse isn't helpful, it's a THREAT. Oppression is not a competition.
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