
a wooden statue of a man with his hands in the air and wearing an elaborate outfit
木雕 多聞天立像(四天王像), 奈良時代, 8 世紀 - 奈良大安寺 --日本第一座國立寺院 (Nara Daianji Temple)
木雕 多聞天立像(四天王像), 奈良時代, 8 世紀 - 奈良大安寺 --日本第一座國立寺院// 身體豐滿結實,精細花紋裝飾刻在腳背和鞋子上。// Wooden statue of the Deva King Vaishravana (one of the Four Heavenly Kings) from the Nara period, 8th century - Nara Daianji Temple --- Japan's first national Temple // The body is rich in solidity, and decorative patterns are engraved on the instep and shoes.
a buddha statue sitting on top of a wooden table next to a black background with the image of a person holding something in their hand
美しい日本の仏像 on Twitter
a statue of a person wearing a hat and holding a cane in front of a gray wall
an old statue with a hat on it's head and hands in his pockets
〇奈良国立博物館「なら仏像館」の仏像達 その二
「流浪の画家」の隆くん: 〇奈良国立博物館「なら仏像館」の仏像達 その二
a statue of a person holding a flower
a buddha statue sitting on top of a table
a golden statue with a crown on it's head holding a staff in front of a gold background
正楽寺(奈良県北葛城郡広陵町)―堂々たる像高2m超の十一面観音 – 祇是未在
a buddha statue sitting on top of a table
覚恩寺 重文
a statue of a man sitting on top of a wooden chair next to a plaque
The Treasures of Byakugô-ji on Mt. Takamado, Nara.
The Treasures of Byakugô-ji on Mt. Takamado, Nara. | by KyotoDreamTrips Eastern Philosophy, Ancient Jewelry
The Treasures of Byakugô-ji on Mt. Takamado, Nara.
The Treasures of Byakugô-ji on Mt. Takamado, Nara. | by KyotoDreamTrips
the statue is sitting in front of a wall
奈良県 / 不空院 特別公開 : ひたすら仏像拝観
不空院(奈良市)不空羂索観音菩薩坐像 像高103.9cmの鎌倉期の造仏で重要文化財
a golden buddha statue sitting on top of a wooden table
仏像シンフォニー on Twitter