
181 Pins
Weird 'Egg Rock' Meteorite Found on Mars
NASA's Mars Science Lab, also known as the Curiosity rover, spotted this strange, dark object on the Martian surface. The rover's Mast Camera (Mastcam) took this photo of the golf ball-sized meteor on Oct. 30, 2016. Further inspection with Curiosity's Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument revealed that the rock is an iron-nickel meteorite.
Rocks on Mars: Basalt, Shale, Sandstone, Conglomerate
3 jours inoubliables dans le désert du Wadi Rum
Désert du Wadi Rum
Curiosity Sends Back Incredible Hi-Res Views of Mt. Sharp
The Mars rover just sent back data that has scientists completely stumped
The Curiosity rover has been cruising around on Mars since late 2012, so you’d think that scientists would have a pretty good handle on the kind of data it’s been sending back by now. H…