344 Pins
[Bookplate of Anna Anderle]
ex libris | bookplates of Anna Anderle] | Artist: Roller, Alfred Description: States, 'Ex-Libris Anna Anderle;' depicts a house on a hill. Unsigned. Format: 1 print, col., 11 x 6 cm. Source: Pratt Institute Libraries, Special Collections 24 (sc00273) Pratt Libraries Website For inquiries regarding permissions and use fees, please contact: rightsandrepro.library@pratt.edu.
Polar Explorers ,Part One
ExLibris of Amos Bonsall, sole survivor of an 1853 polar expedition
[Bookplate of Frederick Starr]
ex libris | bookplate of Frederick Starr | Artist: Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908 Date: 1905 Description: States, 'Ex Libris Mexicanis Frederick Starr;' features a landscape, a statue of Mary, a portrait of a Native American, a Mayan sculpture, two portraits of men, and a medallion. Signed at bottom 'J.W. Spenceley. Boston. 1905. Copyright Frederick Starr, 1905.' Format: 1 print, col., 10 x 8 cm. Source: Pratt Institute Libraries, Special Collections 1...
Экслибрис конца XIX - начала XX вв. Часть 1.. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Экслибрис конца XIX - начала XX вв. Часть 1.. Комментарии : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
We Heart It
mlle ghoul's fairy tales from the shadows
Pamela Tait / Priestess / pencil and pen on paper / collaboration with Erlend Tait
[Bookplate of The Library of Bowdoin College]
ex libris | bookplate of The Library of Bowdoin College | Artist: Fisher, William Edgar, b. 1872 Date: 1909 Description: States, 'The Library of Bowdoin College Gift of the Class of 1882;' features two oars, garland, the Bowdoin College emblem, a bookshelf with an oil lamp, a scene two skulling boats on a river set in a Greek temple with two columns. Signed at bottom 'William Edgar Fisher 1909.' Format: 1 print, col., 13 x 8 cm. Source: Pratt Institute Libraries, Special...