House interior

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Inspiration Room. Simple shelves. Gorgeous cognac couch. wood and white table(already have) lots of plants. Muted colors in pillows.
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Creating a welcoming spot for your guests to hang out in is critical when you are looking at focusing on the right elements of your home’s decor. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out how you want to blend those looks together, though, which is why we have worked to create a list that will show you the fun and classic design perks that a Scandinavian living room can bring.
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turning 30 today and couldn’t imagine being any happier (and to all those who asked - the plants all survived the move) 🌱
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キャンドルをオシャレに飾ろう!簡単にできるロマンチックな飾り方10選☆ | CRASIA(クラシア)
travel memories. actually cool! knew I saved all that stuff for something :)
travel memories. actually cool! knew I saved all that stuff for something :) by francisca