27 Pins
Origami Science | Origami Techniques Used in Advanced Technologies
In 2010, researchers developed a method where a sheet of composite material can self-fold when an electrical current is passed through it. In 2011, researchers were able to get a polymer sheet to shelf-fold when exposed to light.:
New Deployable Structures Based on an Elastic Origami Model
New Deployable Structures Based on an Elastic Origami Model | Journal of Mechanical Design | ASME DC
Installation - Juney Lee : Design + Engineering + Computation
Instalación - Juney Lee: Arquitectura + Estructuras
Foldable Cocoon, Brussels (2014)
f: id: JunMitani: 20120805195659p: Imagem
Leonardo da Vinci's Polyhedra
Leonardo da Vinci's Polyhedra - elevated icosidodecahedron woodcut from Luca Pacioli's 1509 book The Divine Proportion
目が止まる、世界のクリエイティブな広告・ポスターデザイン | MMM - モノモードのデザイン・エンジニアリング情報メディア
目が止まる、世界のクリエイティブな広告・ポスターデザイン | 札幌・東京のホームページ制作・ウェブ制作会社monomode
Folded Paper Sculptures by Matt Shlian | Inspiration Grid
Folded Paper Sculptures by Matt Shlian | Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration
Origami: Piramide settima e varianti - Seventh pyramid and variants, by Francesco Guarnieri
Pyramid Box - Halloween Purple Ghost
Pyramid Box Halloween Purple Ghost on Craftsuprint - View Now!