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BRIAN BROMBERG | Jazz for Thursday
live music pictures - Luigi Orru music photographer worldwide
Level 42 - mark king one of the best bass guitar player since the 80s.
John Myung (Dream Theater). When asked,"Why pick up the bass guitar and not another instrument?" His response was: "I think it's just in the way that you hear music. When I was growing up, and even now, the first thing that I hear is the bass. It doesn't matter who the artist is or what the song is – I hear that sound first."...Same as me, John. I agree with that statement.
Chris Squire. My inspiration to learn the bass. Listen to that bright sound on roundabout or heart of the sunrise. With a bit of tremolo as well.
Pearl Jams Eddie Vedder risking the ire of the bass players union in the early 1990s grunge heyday
David S. Ware Quartet | Aquarian Sound (Live, 2000) | R.I.P. David S. Ware (November 7, 1949 ~ October 18, 2012) || David S. Ware - tenor saxophone / William Parker - bass / Matthew Shipp - piano | Guillermo Brown - drums //