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Statue of a Praying Female Goddess, Bangkok, Thailand - Stock Photos : Masterfile
Statue of a Praying Female Goddess, Bangkok, Thailand - Stock Photos
Monk Venerates the Hand of Buddha, Wat Si Chum, Sukhothai
I find that somehow, by shifting the focus of attention, I become the very thing I look at, and experience the kind of consciousness it has; I become the inner witness of the thing. I call this capacity of entering other focal points of consciousness, love; you may give it any name you like. Nissargadatta Maharaj
ボロブドゥール遺跡 | 世界の歴史まっぷ
ボロブドゥール遺跡 - 世界の歴史まっぷ ジャワ島シャイレンドラ朝時代の8〜9世紀頃に築かれた世界最大規模の仏教遺跡。自然の丘を生かして築かれ大乗仏教の宇宙観である三界を表現し、頂上にそびえる釣鐘形のストゥーパは立体曼荼羅のよう。 #世界遺産
I don't know where this is but I'm hoping it's an awesome pilgrimage.
Flickr | The best place to be a photographer online.
Gangaramaya Temple, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Buddha paré. Post-Angkorian period (1431-18th century). Cambodia. | Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (musée Guimet, Paris) / Thierry Ollivier.