二宮 和也

55 Pins
TV Guide PERSON vol.21 (表紙: 二宮和也)
TV Guide PERSON vol.21 (二宮和也)
Arashi's Kazunari Ninomiya being discussed at the SINGLE MEN's section of 2 channel
『2ch毒男板の二宮和也オタがヤバすぎる件wwwwwwwwwwwww ※画像あり』の画像M41
fandom life is hard だから happy
fandom life is hard だから happy
ニノ…! なんてかわいいんだ…! #嵐 #arashi #二宮和也
“The lyrics I wrote for ‘Sore demo yappari kimi deshita’, my solo from “Popcorn”, were a continuation of ‘Niji’, my solo from ‘Time’. Plus, that might lead people to listen to our famous record all over again. I was actually hoping for that too.” — Ninomya Kazunari