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The Wise Eyes of a Red Fox
The Wise Eyes of a Red Fox
Vincent Munier - « Solitudes I et II », deux nouveaux livres par Vincent Munier Voici la photo de couverture du 1er tome de ces deux ouvrages, attendus pour novembre aux éditions Kobalann. Vous pouvez déjà réserver vos exemplaires sur l'e-shop de Vincent : www.vincentmunier.com/shop.html “Solitudes I and II”, two new photo books, by Vincent Munier Here is the cover picture of Solitudes I, to be published by Kobalann, available in November. You can already reserve your copies on Vincent's e-shop! | Facebook
Red Fox by Vincent Munier
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
This is a Quokka, the happiest thing on the planet…themetapicture: This marsupial, the size of a domestic cat, looks like a small kangaroo but can climb trees and is found in a small area in the South-West of Western Australia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quokka #Quokka #Marsupial #Australia