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インナー・チャイルド by マグダラのマリア
インナー・チャイルド by マグダラのマリアby Pamela Kribbe
The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ With the Hosts of Heaven -by Harry Anderson I love this painting, in complete (which you rarely see)
子供と家族の食事情報局 | 子供と家族の食事に関する情報を発信
spiritual pictures and images | Religious - Orkut Scraps, comments, graphics & music
images pieusesla sainte famille - Page 2
Simbolos: Paloma, oveja, ángel, azucena o flor de lys, padre, madre, manos…
保護する力 「神は私たちの避難所」 — ものみの塔 オンライン・ライブラリー
ウィリアム・アドルフ・ブグロー - 「清純」
Del Parson - Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Mary Magdalene is the second most important Biblical figure next to The Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus. She was known as the woman who anointed Jesus's feet and one of the women who witnessed Jesus rising from the dead. Because of her love for Jesus, some believed that she was having an affair with him.
ゲツセマネの祈り - Wikipedia
Gethsemane Carl Bloch - ゲツセマネの祈り - Wikipedia