
12 Pins
Leader Introduces the Cure - PEDAL Consumption
If you attended the recent Interbike 2014 and saw the Cure bike at the Leader Bikes booth… here’s the story. “A little more than a year ago, Sal Lombroso, founder and owner of Leader Bikes, embarked on a battle with pancreatic cancer. After the diagnosis,...
Leader Introduces the Cure - PEDAL Consumption
If you attended the recent Interbike 2014 and saw the Cure bike at the Leader Bikes booth… here’s the story. “A little more than a year ago, Sal Lombroso, founder and owner of Leader Bikes, embarked on a battle with pancreatic cancer. After the diagnosis,...
ピストバイクおすすめ厳選10台! 愛用者が教えるメリット&選び方 | FRAME : フレイム
ピスト好きがおすすめする、本当に買いたいピストバイク10選 | FRAME : フレイム
2016 Giant Propel SLR alloy aero road bike slips into reality
2016 Giant Propel SLR 1 alloy aero road bike first look- me likey a lot.
Sight from the Saddle Annex
Sight from the Saddle Annex — bisikleta: v-e-l-o-l-o-v-e: Those Bars. ...
Very Special Things
“Eff You See Eye" concept bike by Specialized Creative Director Robert Egger
random by George Yoo at Coroflot.com