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花瓣网-舞美设计图 | Stage set design, Stage design, Concert stage design
curated contemporary art /// i’m jealous of caitlind & wayne’s ‘cloud’
This piece is titled "Cloud", and is the collaborative work of Caitlind r.c. Brown and Wayne Garrett. 6000 lightbulbs turning on and off in the dark night of Calgary’s Nuit Blanche.
Ai Weiwei, Straight. 2008–12, steel reinforcing bars, dimensions variable. In Straight, Ai Weiwei uses rebar recovered from the rubble of collapsed schoolhouses following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.
curated contemporary art
I like this because we are learning how to manipulate and work with paper, and that is what this installation is made out of. This shows what beautiful things we can make out of paper. Paper is not a limiting material, but you can transform it into something gorgeous.
The Adelaide-born artist hunts down chandeliers where he can find them – op shops, garage sales, and even eBay – to create these staggering installations. Sometimes older pieces aren’t in the best condition, so he rebuilds the lights (but, despite this tinkering, still counts these as “found objects”).:
haruka kojin: contact lens
HARUKA KOJIN, CONTACT LENS 2011: "2 types of lenses are used, one completely flat and clear and the other with a warped surface to create interconnected circles of varying sizes. as the light travels through the acrylic, the images on the other side are flipped and contorted."
Light: Installations by Bruce Munro
Architecture Art Home Furnishings Interior Design News + Events Style + Fashion Technology Light: Installations by Bruce Munro Read more at Design Milk: http://design-milk.com/light-installations-by-bruce-munro/#ixzz2KFjl0ZCG
Metaphors For Dreaming: Glass Art by Dale Chihuly
Dale Chihuly's newest installation features "over one hundred Persian blown glass elements which are open, disc-like forms with striations (called “body wraps”), mounted on curvilinear stainless steel armatures that dramatically move across the walls, ceilings, and columns." http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/dale-chihuly-chelsea-persians
curated contemporary art
Giant/fluffy pussy willows, and pink stalagmites? Nope. Bunches of acrylic rods, and stacks of buttons. Insane. This is the breathtaking work of Brooklyn based installation artist Tara Donovan. And it's pretty amazing
The Other Sun // Jacob Hashimoto | Afflante.com
curated contemporary art /// i’m jealous of nuala o’donovan
by artist Nuala O’Donovan, in Cork, Ireland. Her statement about this work, and her process: “My work combines regular pattern with the characteristics of irregular patterns and forms from nature. Each element of the pattern is individually made, the form is constructed slowly over a period of weeks or months. The finished forms are a result of an intuitive response to the direction that the pattern takes as well as the irregularity in the handmade elements of the pattern.”