アクセサリー 収納

8 Pins
【無印収納計画】豊富なサイズと種類でスッキリ片付く、無印の整理整頓アイデア集 | RoomClip mag | 暮らしとインテリアのwebマガジン
棚/100均DIY/アクセサリー収納/アクセサリー/プチプラ...などのインテリア実例 - 2017-01-24 02:58:32 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)
mmmさんの、DIY,100均リメイク,1人暮らし,セリア,一人暮らし,100均,賃貸,1人暮らし 賃貸,雑貨,ダイソー,プチプラ,アクセサリー,アクセサリー収納,100均DIY,棚,のお部屋写真
アンティーク/鏡…などのインテリア実例 - 2015-05-21 03:15:39 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)
This item is unavailable - Etsy
If youre like me, a fashion obsessed individual that is in love with organization and home decor, this is the perfect new addition to your lovely home!
現在、この商品の在庫はありません - Etsy
This is a jewelry organizer designed and crafted by me. Functional with an artistic flare is my goal when making functional pieces. Something you can use every day and be well-pleased to display in your bedroom or elsewhere as a piece of art. Designed on a White distressed background, is meant to hold most of your jewelry in a way you can reach them easily. Has chrome hooks for about 100 earrings of any length, then a large bracelet bar and a ring box for more than 15 rings , along with a s...