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Illustrator CC に追加された Shaper ツールでは写真のように、基本的なシェイプを組み合わせて、美しいデザインを素早く制作できます。簡単なデモを動画で紹介。これまでのIllustratorの常識が覆されます!
Logos and Animal Logos image inspiration on Designspiration
WildSmart V1 Revised 2 by rudy hurtado
Weekly Logo Design Inspiration #16
Logo Design – Bird logo concept - this is absolutely beautiful
WideHorse logo - Golden Ratio
WideHorse logo - Golden Ratio
The circular Fox
This is a great visual display to understanding the process for developing this fox logo. The fox logo is created entirely from circles, some extremely large and other small. It is interesting to see how the circles used in overlapping created the shapes and implied movement of the fox.